Imagine Barbra, a young professional who has struggled with procrastination for years. She expects that one day she’ll wake up different, ready to tackle her to-do list with newfound [...]
As a therapist, I frequently encounter individuals who struggle with navigating interactions with opinionated people who offer advice instead of listening. For instance, you might share a [...]
We all know someone with an endless list of complaints, turning almost every conversation into a platform for airing grievances. These chronic complainers focus on the negative, exaggerate [...]
In psychological terms, perspective refers to the mental framework through which individuals view the world around them. It encompasses our beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions that shape how we [...]
In a time when division and discord are prevalent, it has become increasingly clear that our reactions to differing opinions often go beyond mere disagreement. The root of such intense responses [...]
When it comes to family, the line between close-knit relationships and overly intertwined emotional states can sometimes blur, creating a phenomenon known as emotional fusion. This concept, while [...]
I just wrapped up an intense three-day conference on Bowen Family Systems Theory, and it has sparked some intriguing thoughts about mainstream psychology’s approach to mental health. It [...]
From the dawn of human history, our ancestors’ brains evolved to maintain a constant awareness of danger. This keen vigilance was primarily a survival mechanism, allowing them to react [...]
“Feel it. The thing you don’t want to feel. Feel it. And be free.” –Nayyirah Waheed Emotional acceptance is the process of recognizing, understanding, and embracing all of our [...]
In the dance of human connection, we often find ourselves wanting both to meet others’ expectations and nurture our well-being. This delicate balancing act, especially within close [...]