Shelley-Anne McKay
Forgiveness with Family & Friends (Is it Really Possible?)
In this video Dr.Ilene explains forgiveness. Why forgiveness is so hard for us as humans and how we begin to change that. How we begin to forgive others and start the healing process for ourselves. This video will change how you feel towards those you have unresolved conflict with…
Mom’s Moving On
Understanding your Triggers and Making Sure They Don’t Play a Role in Your Post Divorce Life
Understanding your triggers can mean the difference between a peaceful life well-lived and living in a constant state of anger and resentment. Does your ex seem to trigger you in all the worst ways, all of the time? Same, or at least this used to be the case, before I really did the work to honor my traumas and truly understand what had the power to trigger me. Like with anything else, when it comes to understanding your triggers, knowledge really is power..…

Unleash Your Confidence Series
The Surprising Truth Every Woman Needs to Know About Anxiety
Listen to Dr Ilene’s interview with Annie Book, where they talk about the impact of anxiety and how you can master it for good….
Psychology Today
About Doctor Ilene
Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist, author, and mother of two animated young girls. She is one of the most respected voices in the psychology of people-pleasing and navigating the difficulty of living an intentional life while trying to maintain fulfilling relationships. She is the author of 5 books, all of which have received awards and 5-star ratings from her readers..…

Martha Stewart
How to Quickly Defuse an Anxiety Attack
If you or someone you love suffers from anxiety or panic attacks, sometimes simply getting through the attack itself feels like an overwhelming task. After all, an anxiety attack’s symptoms often mask those of a heart attack—a sudden, intense fear of dying, numbness, and tingling sensations included….
Single no More Summit
If our confidence changes based upon who we’re with, this could mean we’re seeking our value from the outside rather than within ourselves. If our worth is only based on accomplishments, then does a newborn baby have value even though they don’t have any skills yet?.…

Ilene S. Cohen/Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein
It’s Within You
What if you could just stop worrying about what others thought of you? How much more could you accomplish in life? ONE simple shift could make it happen… Feeling burned out. Struggling. Undervalued. Conflicted. Invalidated. Anxious. Angry. Empty. All signs that your self-worth isn’t coming from within. We’ve all been there, and it’s not a place where healthy relationships, personal freedom and peace of mind can thrive…
Ilene S. Cohen
When It’s Never About You
Book Trailer for, “When It’s Never About You.” Available to purchase here, http://amzn.to/2h1deMi.…

7 Cups Contributors
How to Let Go of the Need for Approval
It usually starts out as a logical plan. We gain others’ approval, make them happy for a moment, and feel pretty good about ourselves. It seems like the perfect path to take and it’s one we can continue on for many years, believing it’s reducing our anxiety about disapproval in our daily lives…
7 Cups Contributor
Doctor Ilene S. Cohen
Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist, professor, blogger, and author of the popular self-help guides, When It’s Never About You and It’s Within You. Her work regularly appears in top psychology publications…

KSANTA (Secondhand Fashion/Lifestyle Blog)
Šta raditi kada vam potreba da udovoljite drugima uništava život
Ovo je članak koji je prvobitno objavljen na sajtu tinybuddha.com. Uz dozvolu dr Ilene S. Cohen, autorke teksta, objavljujem prevod istog na svom blogu. This article was first published on tinybuddha.com: What to Do When Your Need to Please Is Ruining Your Life (by Ilene S. Cohen)…
7 Cup Contribution
What is Self-Worth and How Do We Develop It?
Jennifer came into my office feeling anxious and lost. She wasn’t sure if her life was worth living anymore. Her boyfriend of 4 years had recently left her, and she assumed it was because she wasn’t good enough. Jennifer’s entire sense of value and worth as a person was tied to being in a relationship; when she didn’t have a significant other, she felt like a nobody….

You Winning Life Podcast
Why Everyone Benefits From Therapy
Dr Ilene S. Cohen and Jason Wasser discuss how psychotherapy can be helpful. Plus, they dive into what is Marriage and Family Therapy, and how our relationships affects us in our daily life. Plus, listen in to discover their personal journeys…
Tiny Buddha
What to Do When Someone You Love is Struggling
I don’t think I’m alone in having someone in my life whom I wish I could change. Someone I see struggling, who ignores or resents any lifesavers I send their way. I can clearly see how this person contributes to their own struggles, but they remain totally unaware of it. Sometimes, I want to shake some sense into this person; I think, “If only they would get their life together…

2 Times BRAG Winner
Dr. Ilene’s S. Cohen, authors of “It’s Within You” and co-author of “When It’s Never About You” is a two time B.R.A.G. award winner…
How the Fear of Hurting Others Creates Anxiety
Everywhere you go, you walk on eggshells. You censor each thought, editing your words carefully. You overthink your every move, questioning yourself over and over again. Somehow, your interactions with others never go smoothly, and your conversations always seem to take more effort than they should. That’s what it’s like to live in fear of hurting others…

30 Best Family Therapy Blogs
See Dr Ilene’s award on Expertido… Expertido has been rising in the ranks of recommendations sites as of late, thanks to our easily comparable data on consumer reviews and product qualities, but we also offer another point of data: what the best blogs and websites have advised to consumers…
High Heels and Heartaches
Are You a People Pleaser?
Dr. Ilene Cohen answers my questions about people pleasing. She discusses the difference between being nice and being a people pleaser, the causes of people pleasing, and gives an eight step guide to stopping the compulsion!…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Social Anxiety Therapy
Many people with social anxiety realize that their fears are irrational, however, they can’t stop feeling anxious or second-guessing their social interactions. Social anxiety – also called social phobia, or social anxiety disorder – is a paralyzing and debilitating condition. Those affected with social anxiety often feel uncomfortable in large social gatherings, or small settings with people who are unfamiliar…
Tiny Buddha
What to do When Your Need to Please is Ruining Your Life
Have you ever thought you had to do what other people said or they wouldn’t love you? Have you felt selfish for wanting to put your needs first, or guilty for setting limits with the people you care about? Have you learned that even when you’ve complied with everyone’s wishes and whims they still weren’t happy, and you weren’t either?…

Tiny Buddha
Feeling Anxious? People-Pleasing Could be to Blame
White lights flutter before your eyes. Your chest tightens, as if under the weight of a hundred ten-pound bricks. You wonder if your next breath will be your last. Emotions rip through you: fear, glooming dread, hopelessness. Without warning or clear cause, these feelings consume you…
I do Podcast, Relationship Advice
You Cook, I’ll Clean
You take the kids to soccer, I’ll do the laundry. We all have roles in our relationships, however, we don’t often talk about them in the most productive way. Listen to today’s show to learn about relationship roles, and how to find a balance that works for you and your partner…

How I learned What Really Being Helpful Means
Pulling up my tights, I listened out for danger and desperate screams for help. Like any natural born superhero, I was ready to swoop in and save the day. I wanted to be the one to put the pieces of other people’s lives back together. I wanted to be the ultimate problem solver…
Indie Reader
It’s Within You, Indie Reader Approved, non fiction, self help
With IT’S WITHIN YOU, Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein and Dr. Ilene S. Cohen have written a useful, active guide to improving your life by finding what you need within yourself and adjusting it, rather than depending on outside approval…

Kerry’s Blog
When It’s Never About You
Dr Cohen would like readers of her book When Its’ Never About You to recognise the difference between selfish and self-full (the median between selfishness and selflessness). Dr Ilene recounts parts of her personal journey when she equated being good and selfless to being an over-functioner. Simply put, “over-functioning is taking on other people’s responsibilities and not holding them accountable for their participation in the relationship system”…
Elevate Your Potential Magazine
How to Say Goodbye to the Need for Approval
When we urgently aim to please other people, we’re seeking approval of self from outside sources. And whenever we reach for something in the outside world to give us what we should be giving ourselves, we set ourselves up for disappointment…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy – also known as “talk therapy” – is a process where psychological and emotional issues are worked on through communication between a client and a therapist. Psychotherapy is based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change their behaviors and overcome problems in a desired way…
Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Getting Mental Health Help
Help for mental health issues comes in several forms, however, asking for help is the first step. While it can be daunting, scary, and uncomfortable to confront the fact that you may be dealing with a mental health issue, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
How to Find and Chose a Therapist
Often trial and error are needed when finding the right therapist for you. It’s important to choose someone who you can connect with and trust. Psychotherapy can be performed by various types of therapists including licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists or counselors, mental health counselors, rehabilitation counselors, music or art therapists, psychiatric nurses, psychoanalyst, and several others…
Expert Roundup Reveals the Best Divorce Advice for Couples
Divorce is one of the most traumatic experiences one can endure. Whether you are contemplating a divorce or have decided to call it quits, it is important to seek an objective intervention to help you go through the divorce process or restore your marriage, if you are willing to…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Hoarding Therapy
Hoarders are often unaware that they even have a problem until loved ones discover the conditions they are living in. According to the Mayo Clinic, hoarding is defined as “a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them.”…
Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Social Isolation
Social isolation is the severe lack of contact between a person and society. Differing from loneliness, which is an involuntary lack of connection with others. Social isolation occurs when a person actively removes themselves from social interactions. For people suffering from social isolation, their primary goal is to spend time alone…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Medication Management Therapy
Medications are often used with other forms of treatment like counseling, family therapy, and/or behavioral therapies. With careful monitoring and continuous discussion, you can find the right medication and treatment plan for you…
After the Affair
Common Issues After an Affair
Doctor Ilene interviews Melissa Davis, of After the Affair, about common issues after an affair. Healing from an affair is difficult, but vital. It helps to understand the healing process after infidelity and realize that you are not crazy. What you feel is normal. You are grieving and processing all the pain and emotions that come after discovering an affair.

After the Affair
Boundaries in Relationships After the Affair
Boundaries in relationships after an affair are EXTREMELY important! In this video you will learn what boundaries are, why you should set boundaries and how boundaries protect you…
Psychology Today
Your Emotional Meter
See the most recent blog post articles from Doctor Ilene Cohen Strauss on Psychology Today. Reduce your stress, anger and reactivity with this full collection of articles…

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Anxiety Counseling
Anxiety can be defined as the response of an individual to a threat, real or imagined. It is a process, to some extent, that is present in all living things. Anxiety isn’t always bad, it can assist us to cope with tense situations, and can motivate us to work harder or stay focused when working towards a goal…
Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Anger Management Therapy
We all know what it’s like to feel angry. It’s a natural human emotion, that is invoked when we experience hurt, injustice, fear, and frustration. We can easily tell when we are angry by the powerful physical response in the body, such as a rush of adrenaline, increased blood pressure, heart rate and fast breathing that often takes over us….

Therapy Tribe, Find Wellness
Expert Team
At TherapyTribe we are committed to providing our readers with professional, accurate and digestible references on important mental health and therapy topics. Our experts regularly review and update our articles to include the latest treatment modalities and philosophies. Learning all you can about mental health is an important first step toward feeling better….
Indie Brag
B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree: Award-Winning Non-Fiction Books
Is being a people-pleaser (a.k.a., conflict avoider, pushover, approval-seeker, doormat, etc.) ruining your life? Do you sometimes feel as if you exist only to satisfy others’ wants and needs, but never your own? Is your physical, mental, and emotional health suffering as a result?…

Indie Reader
Verdict in: When It’s Never About You
Based on her personal experiences and those of her clients, Dr. Strauss Cohen walks readers through scenarios that will be familiar to people-pleasers. She infuses the book with quotes and facts from authorities who have contributed to behavioral sciences…
Tiny Buddha
Why People Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
I used to think that being kind, gentle, and agreeable was guaranteed to win me love and acceptance from others. I’d tiptoe around destructive people’s behaviors, no matter how uncomfortable I felt about it, believing to my core that if only I could be nice enough to them, they would one day lead a better life…

Psych Central
Dr Ilene Cohen on Psych Central
Ilene S. Cohen on Psych Central; See her most recent blog posts on:
- 7 Unexpected Mental Health Benefits of Exercising
- 7 Tips on How to Kick the Habit of Indecisiveness…
Kerry’s Blog
When It’s Never About You
Dr Cohen would like readers of her book When Its’ Never About You to recognise the difference between selfish and self-full (the median between selfishness and selflessness). Dr Ilene recounts parts of her personal journey when she equated being good and selfless to being an over-functioner…

Having Time
Dr Ilene Cohen on Having Time
Ilene S. Cohen on Having Time; See her most recent blog posts on:
- What to do When You Have a Complicated Relationship With Your Mom
- How to Stop Being a People Pleaser and a Miserable Life…
Uplifting Content
Blog Posts on Uplifting Content
Some uplifting and helpful blog posts on Uplifting Content including:
- Finding Contentment: Can you be Satisfied With What You Already Have
- Living Your Desire: Why it’s Important to Find Out What You Want From Life and Go For It
- Thinking of Anxiety as the Symptom, Not the Problem…

A Modern Lifestyle Brand Redefining Motherhood
Ilene S. Cohen on Motherly; See her most recent blog posts on:
- Why your 3-year-old acts like a ‘threenager’
- We can’t protect our kids from their emotions—in fact, we shouldn’t…
Dr Ilene’s Helpful Insight
Doctor Ilene’s shares her expertise on Soundcloud. Listen to her insight on many different subjects.

Meet Doctor Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D of Dr Ilene in Aventura
Today we’d like to introduce you to Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D. Ilene, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? I created my blog while trying to find a healthy balance between being selfless and selfish…
People Pleasing in Dept
Interview with Daniela Giangiorgi
People pleasing: something a lot of people struggle with. Through this interview, I talk with Daniela about my personal experience of people pleasing habits and share my expertise on it, and lots more.

The Native Society
My NativeAdVantage
Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist and blogger, who teaches in the Department of Counseling at Barry University. She’s a regular contributor to Psychology Today, and her work has appeared in Psych Central and Tiny Buddha…
Psychology For Millennials By Millennials
Happiness is Not a Destination But a Journey
Happiness: it’s something we all search for. How we go about doing so, however, makes all the difference, and it’s something Dr. Ilene Strauss Cohen, a psychotherapist and adjunct professor at Barry University, is particularly interested in…

Ethan Bearman KGO•810
5 Simple Steps to Daily Happiness
Savvy, witty and curious, Ethan unearths truths and upends the status quo with his razor sharp intellect and penetrating style….
Psychology Today
The Pursuit of Happiness Actually a Source of Unhappiness?
I’ll be happy when I get that job I applied for; I’ll be happy when I get that purse I’ve been saving up for; I’ll be happy when I’m in a relationship; I’ll be happy when…

I Do Podcast
Dealing with Emotional Triggers and Thinking Separately
In this episode we discuss relationship advice topics that include:
- Why commitment is the baseline and foundation of a relationship.
- Why it’s important to think separately from your partner in a relationship…
The Matt Townsend Show
When Guilt Keeps You From Setting Boundaries
People whose beliefs are motivated by guilt often fail to set necessary boundaries in their relationships. This guilt comes from believing that prioritizing oneself over others is wrong. Ilene S. Cohen with some ideas no why we feel that guilt…

Get In Touch
Dr. Ilene has the ability to discuss difficult topics with honesty, enthusiasm, and when appropriate humor. She is a psychotherapist, avid blogger, and adjunct professor with the knowledge to both engage her audiences and leave them with ideas that can help them change their lives.
If you are interested in scheduling an interview and/or speaking event, please email [email protected] or fill out the contact form. Dr. Ilene attentively reviews every request she receives. Feel free to reach out with any questions.